Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I am his son.

     January 10th was my father's birthday. January 20, 2009, he passed away. While America is celebrating, I will forever honor this day, in the memory of my father and the new dawn of freedom and democracy in America.My father was, "a really special person to me."He taught me a lot, about life and its struggles.He always reminded me, the value of education.He always emphasized pride, in hardwork and honesty.He endured a lot of challenges in life, including losing my mother four years ago, and prior to my mom's passing, my only brother died at the age of 56, it was difficult for my parents to accept. My father was not expressive or emotional. He was very quite and reserved. My opposite. Despite our differences, my father and I, always exchanged ideas. Oftentimes, we have discussion about societal issues like poverty.He believed that family, matters most in life; He would admonished, "blood is thicker than water." My father was very responsible, and caring.He was a very good provider. He paid for my legal education.He supported me, as much as he could. He was quite disappointed, when I didn't became a lawyer. He was quite worried with my political activism.He was  pragmatic, I strongly believed in ideals.I admired, respected, and cherished him, he was my father, and I am his son. 
     Where ever you are father, I want you to remember that, I will always be your son. Goodbye, father.


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