Thursday, May 19, 2022

Service to people...

 I was reminiscing and conversing with my wife regarding our service orientation since our student leadership days. I was third year in college when I made a resolution to serve others with no string attached. The rest are history. I never stopped serving others the best way I can.

I recently took a graduate class at St. John Seminary in Massachusetts. I really enjoyed it. The professor was very inspiring and brilliant. What captured my imagination was God's plan for humanity.  I was in awe; I never knew that God has this big plan for all people - God wanted everyone to become perfect like God, and to live forever in God's Kingdom.

Despite I attended Sunday services and participated in religious organizations, I remained skeptical and cautious with any organized religion. I am a student of history. I doggedly studied powerful religions like the Roman Catholic Church, Islam, and the Jewish faith and religion - One God religion. Monotheism as scholars and religious pundits aptly described. I am not here today to discuss about each religion. 

I am focused with really special people - The creation of the One God the three greatest religions often discussed. 


May 19, 2022