Saturday, March 14, 2009

The bottom line of the problem... Part I

    The issue of poverty among many people in the world is relevant in our lives; for example, more than 46% of the worlds population are in dire and miserable living conditions. No adequate food and shelter, lack of health care and nutrition, unemployment and underemployment and many other inhuman  living condition and situation. 
   For centuries, countries like India and Philippines were colonies of the Western countries like Great Britain, Spain and the United States of America. Japan invaded countries like Korea and China for  political, economic and social reasons. Mainly the idea of expanding the empires' power and wealth motivated the former colonial powers to invade and subjugate and exploit people, siphoning their natural resources and draining their economy in the process. The worst impact of such invasion and colonization were lost lives and traumatize national psyche.Many of the damages took centuries to heal and recover. The incurable ill effect is the trauma of being subjected to exploitation and the feeling of being raped of your independence and dignity as a human being. A few really special people from all over the world including  countries who colonized and the people victimized bonded together in the healing and recovering process.