Monday, January 26, 2009


  What is faith ? People have numerous definition and interpretation of faith. Faith to some is religion,faith to others is simply hope. Ideally, faith is what we need in times of tribulations and misfortunes. But, the reality is that, we need more than faith. Faith is relative and not absolute. Depending on your life's circumstances and conditions.There's a degree of faith in each one's life. The crisis confronting the world today, people needed faith and other virtues such as patience, charity, courage, compassion, wisdom, temperance and many others. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Recently I watched a movie, about a revolutionary figure noted for his charisma, dedication and courage. In that movie he was asked if he believes in God, instead of answering the question, he said, " I believe in love." and I quote.
I donot agree with violence to attain political objectives, just to make it clear where I stand.I believe in fighting a cause to liberate many people from the bondage of ignorance and poverty. I believe in using my pen and intellect to pursue my objectives.
I believe in love just like the folk hero in a movie.I donot agree with what hollywood movies do, glorifying violence and gangsterism...etc.
We have good movies. But most of our "hollywood movies" are trashy. "morodiotic" (moron-idiotic), and good for is all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. There is nothing wrong with money, there is something wrong with some people that prioritize money before others.


Continuing tribute to my bestfriend, Tatay (Father)

My father was a critic, and not really a people person but he helped a number of people and relatives in crisis. Not many knows my father as much as I knew him. Despite of his busy schedule, occasionally he would take me to his farm in one of the Philippine Islands. We would talk for hours, he would share his aspirations and dreams etc.. That was a privilege I got from him considering most of my siblings were afraid of him. He had a lousy temper and a no "nonsense" person. He is often misunderstood by everyone except me and my mother. He would label people, and I was not an exception. He would yell at anyone, I was not an exception. He would embarass you, I was not an exception. I did not only tolerated him, but understood him where he was coming from. He shared to me many times his life's struggles and challenges.
My father was born in a rural/farm of Panay, Philippines. A place where every last name begins with "P". They were not really rich neither poor.He had a lot of brothers (5?) and a sister.
My father was a school valedictorian from grade till high school. His education was interrupted by World War II. Then after the war, he continued his education and completed his Bachelor of Science in Commerce. He majored in Finance and Banking. Built his business from the ground up. In ten years he was able to make it. I witnessed when I was a child people visiting my father at home, from government officials and politicians and some "Godfathers" from our province. My father was not intimidated by anyone.He was tough and outspoken. I had the privileged to become the "godson" of one prominent Philippine politician. He was my father's best friend and I was named after him. They were very close till the death of my politician godfather in 2004. My father had another close friend (became my godfather) but was assasinated in 1995. I was not informed till 2002 when I came back home to visit my sick mother, who later died in September 9, 2003 ( My only brother died in 1998 that further devastated my parents, perhaps contributed to the early death of my mother in 2003.)
My father emphasized family. Never let your family down. Always help them if you can. Attend to their needs. He was upset with me when I missed my brother's funeral in 1998. He was elated and very "happy" when I came back home, to bury my mother in 2003. I missed my best friend, "Tatay" and I am coming home to bury him. I know he will be proud of me because I only did not achieved his dreams and aspirations but living it.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Intellectualizing and Reality

Working with the grassroots for many years can change your depth and understanding of realities and myths in our society today. Poverty is one. Why many people are poor; Are they lazy and complacent ? How come they are poor and others are rich ? Why is it so many people are poor ? Why is it poverty a reality in highly developed nations ? Why is it more people are poor in less developed and colonized nations ? Why is it
America as a colony thrived and became developed ? What happened to the indigenous people in America before the establishment of the English colonies ? Is there really a backward civilization ? Besides from guns, germs and technology, what is the truth behind poverty ? The good and the bad. Is it a myth ? Moral reasonings, is it subjective ? What is truth ? Absolute vs. Relative. What is the myth about it ? Science vs. Faith and Religion.God and the "Infidels".Is religion a myth or science ? Why religion was both used as a tool to liberate and subjugate people ? Is there an end to war ? Is peace possible ? What is peace ? Is peace possible when there is injustice ? What is social justice ? What is economic justice ? What is the relationship of political justice to socio-economic justice ? Is communism and capitalism detrimental to human survival ? What is more important in life ideals or survival ? Why sacrifice when you can survive ? Why sacrifice is a myth ? Is sacrifice necessary ? How can we change things without violating human dignity ? What is human dignity ? What is money ? What is the origin of money ? Why people worship money ? What's wrong with us ? Is there anything wrong about how we live ? Really special people help me with the questions and answers. Really special people, intellectualization or reality ?


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Too poor to live in a rich country like America.....and my paradoxical life.

More than four years ago, when my mother died, I have to borrow money for my plane ticket to travel and attend my mother's funeral. This story is not unique or unusual, what makes this story, a paradox.... America is a very rich country, many people from parts of the world, had dubbed America as a country of milk and honey.My personal experience dictated otherwise. I have been in America for almost nineteen years, I am still broke.
My employers would concur with my self-evaluation, I am a good employee and hard working. I received a lot of commendations and endorsement from them. When the economic crisis hit our office, I volunteered to resign, in order to save a few workers ( I have two jobs then, till January, 2009, the agency where, I am employed, lost the client I am assigned to. Till today, though I am not fired, I donot have any assignments and "no pay") What makes make my case interesting is, I work with people, either physically or mentally challenged. Most of us workers, makes between $10.00 to $16.00 an hour. Most of us, have second jobs to survive.Many of my fellow workers are committed to their work, we just don't make the decent money we needed.We are underpaid and ignored.
I believed in hardwork and creativity, from 2001 till now, I have made attempts to start my small business, and yet has to succeed. My usual challenges were lack of capitalization and time constraints ( From 2001 to 2008 I had two jobs. I have to work at least sixteen or more hours each day; In short, I am struggling and juggling my "24" hours each day.).
Last Tuesday, I received an email from my nephew in the Philippines, my father had passed away.I was "numbed" till now, I wanted to attend my father's funeral, but I am too broke and poor, to buy an airline ticket, "dejavu" I sigh.
Perhaps, many of you have similar experiences. Write to me.

We were successful in our career back home and we were affluent. But as the saying goes,
"it is greenier outside our fence."
My parents were happy, after my whole family migrated to the U.S.A in 1991.We left our comfortable lives, in search of a more stable and comfortable life in America.
Till today, I could still hear my four year old daughter's question, nineteen years ago; Daddy, why is it our house, in the Philippines bigger (and nicer) ? Are we poor dad ? Yes. Then, I murmured to myself "In the U.S. we are poor." As of writing time, I still ponder about the same question, over and over.But, I am happy, despite I am poor, and broke. My only regret, I wished I have extra money, to travel and say, "goodbye father, till the green,green grass of our final home, we will meet again and we will be a family, only this time, it is forever."


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Writing my father's obituary, remembering my mother...

A different and life altering experience, death. When I was a child, I would experience occasional nightmares, of losing both my parents. Today, I am living those nightmares. People experience losing love ones everyday, but each experiences are unique and personal. The emotion is difficult to explain, and the feeling of emptiness, difficult to fill, if not impossible.
Each moments I spent, remembering my father, is difficult. I cherished the beautiful memories, I had with my parents. My father was not emotional or expressive, but he makes you feel loved. He was very protective, and a very good provider. My mother was the opposite. She was very charming, warm and expressive with her affections.They were married for more than sixty years, till my mother's passing four years ago. I know my father never recovered from my mother's death, because he never "smiled" again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Really a memorable day..........

   Today is truly a memorable day. My father passed away few hours ago. He was really a special person.
I am what I am, because he gave me the education, and choices in life.He taught me to be tough, and strong in adversity.He taught me to value hardwork and honesty. He taught me to treasure family.He taught me a lot about life and its struggles.I will always honor his memories, and I want him to remember that, I will always be his son.

I am his son.

     January 10th was my father's birthday. January 20, 2009, he passed away. While America is celebrating, I will forever honor this day, in the memory of my father and the new dawn of freedom and democracy in America.My father was, "a really special person to me."He taught me a lot, about life and its struggles.He always reminded me, the value of education.He always emphasized pride, in hardwork and honesty.He endured a lot of challenges in life, including losing my mother four years ago, and prior to my mom's passing, my only brother died at the age of 56, it was difficult for my parents to accept. My father was not expressive or emotional. He was very quite and reserved. My opposite. Despite our differences, my father and I, always exchanged ideas. Oftentimes, we have discussion about societal issues like poverty.He believed that family, matters most in life; He would admonished, "blood is thicker than water." My father was very responsible, and caring.He was a very good provider. He paid for my legal education.He supported me, as much as he could. He was quite disappointed, when I didn't became a lawyer. He was quite worried with my political activism.He was  pragmatic, I strongly believed in ideals.I admired, respected, and cherished him, he was my father, and I am his son. 
     Where ever you are father, I want you to remember that, I will always be your son. Goodbye, father.


Innocent questions of a child.

           I am paraphrasing what Jesus of Nazareth said, many thousand years later, it still holds the truth......
"You will never enter the kingdom of heaven, unless you have the innocence of a little child, and the righteousness of the Pharisees."

           Please read, what might be an intelligent, non-malicious and enlightened question of a child to a father.
This could help us, be enlightened, as to our roles in the making of a New America, the land of the brave and free.

           President Obama is not God. He is  mortal and fallible, like us. Together, we can make America great again. Godspeed to us. 

           No position in life can be secure and no achievement can be permanent, unless it is built upon truth and justice. (I cannot remember the author of this. Please help me.rp)

A child's Million many parts.

                                                                             Part I

  Why didn't you attend the inaugural party, Dad ? Are'nt you, and many others, voted for Obama ? Why is it, there having a lot of parties while millions of Americans lost their jobs ? Why is America celebrating today ? Is Obama the true representation, of the poor people like us ? Why millions of people in Africa died of AIDS and malnutrition ? Isn't Obama from Kenya ? Why did he emphasized during his political campaign his white grandparents ? Is that politics, Dad ? Why is it a lot of Bill Clinton's people,  running his cabinet and administration ? Isn't it, the rich democrats and the very rich republicans behind Wall Street ? Why is it Madoff of the Wall Street, a special person ? Why is it, that when a poor person commits a crime, he is jailed right away ? Is Madoff different from them ? Why is it more people are poorer today ? Why is it the very rich gets richer ? Why is it you are not making a million bonus each year ? Are you dumb, Dad ? Why is it my classmate poorer than us ? Why does mom has to work, and you have two jobs, Dad ? What is a social conscience, Dad ? What is hedonism, dad ? Why is it we invaded Iraq, dad ? Why did we lost the Vietnam war, dad ? Aren't you a veteran ? Why is it you are poorer than McCain ? Isn't  he P.O.W like your bestfriend ? Why is it your friend , in the "mental hospital", while McCain in the Senate ? Is your friend a coward ? Is your friend dumb like you, Dad ? Aren't you a patriot, Dad ? Is grandpop a hero ? Did he fought the Japanese during World War II ? Why was grandpop stranded in the Philippines for years ? Why did he survived the death march in the Philippines ? Why did America refused to help the Jews persecuted in Poland and Germany ? Why did we reacted to World War II, only  after the Pearl Harbor was bombed ? What is the difference between Pearl Harbor and the World Trade (911) ? Why is it we killed Saddam Hussien and his children ? Why is it Osama Bin Laden still at large ? Why can't we capture him ? Aren't we the best ? Why can't the CIA get him ? Aren't they supposed to be the best and the brightest ? Why are  you dumb, Dad ? Are you scared ? Why do you worry too much ? Why do you drink too much ? Why do you work too much ? Why do you buy the lottery tickets, Dad ? Are'nt you happy, Dad ? What is your social conscience doing to you ? Why is it some sociopaths are richer and powerful ? Where is God, Dad ? Does God approves this ? What is faith Dad ? Dad, are you awake ??????
                                                                 Part II

Thanks, you're awake. After President Obama's inauguration, can I be assured of my educational future ?
I am not that smart compared to President Obama, can I have the opportunity to become a President like him and be like him ? Am I "hybrid" dad ? Aren't you half-white and half-brown, Dad ? Aren't mom, half-European and half-African ? Is that making me a super hybrid, dad ? Was grandpop, half-native American and half-English ? Did grandpop identified himself with the "white" people ? What happened to grandpop's nation ? Aren't they civilized and organized as a nation before the Mayflower sat foot in the Plymouth shores ? Why is it Uncle "Screaming Eagle" lives in an Indian Reservation land ? What happened to their birthland ? Aren't they were here first ? Why is it cousin "baby eagle" killed herself ? Why is it they are a separate people from us ? Aren't we Americans ? Why is it they called President Obama, African American and others Asian-American, Irish-American, Italian-American and many other "halves" ? Aren't we're all Americans ? Will it  makes us stronger as a People and Nation ? Why is it the different Indian Nations succumbed to the rule of the "white" people ? Is it the divide and rule tactics by the "European conquestadores ? What are you doing, dad ? Are you listening ?      

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am inviting my Western Europen friends to write.

         Dear Readers and bloggers from Europe send us your comments about this article. 

Ceasefire and War, fanaticism and all the ism.... civilization Part I

             War is politics with bloodshed, and "partisan politics" is war without bloodshed ( I read this slogan from the Manila Times in the late 60's. I donot remember the name of the author, who said it. But,what was said years ago, registered in my long term memory. It guided me in some of my decisions.
              War never benefits poor people,  the working class and "pay cheque to pay cheque people- like most of us.  Many people took for granted reading and understanding "our history". In each epoch, a large scale war happened. Most if not all of us, were not  around during World War I. Some of us were around during World War II. Other wars (small but has a huge impact) like Korean,Vietnam, Middle East (still lingering),the Gulf war, the war of 1898 and many other wars affected us directly or indirectly. Consequently, the world we live in today, still struggles from economic crisis to political instability. ( Donot forget the "war" between the "Indigenous" Americans and the Western Europeans, that subjugated many of us.Before the Mayflower and the James town colonies, North America was inhabited by the Native Americans; The Native Americans  has their own government, culture and "civilization". Many Western Europeans claimed, they civilized a lot of "nations". The Native Americans were "installed" in Indian reservations and many Western Europeans built their mansions in the metropolis. The Western Europeans called it, "civilization".


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reflections, Questions and Uncertainties of life......

          Any day can be a good day of rest or reflections. Some people prefers Saturdays , others Sundays. Since I work weekends before, I usually made my reflections in the early morning hours. When you are well rested, a lot of good memories comes back. Yesterday's event is not really a distant memory, especially if it is a pleasant one.
          According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (see:, suicide is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. among teens and young adults and individuals age 65 and older (16%).
4th in the U.S.A among adults 18-65. I spoke with a lot of people who have experienced difficult challenges in life and they have expressed one common answers to my only question, what happened ? Their answers, " I lost faith and trust with people and my church." and I quote.
          No one is perfect and infallible. Everyone made mistakes. Some recovered and forgave (themselves and others), some lived with it all their lives. 
          One of my favorite readings is about what Apostle Timothy of the Holy Scriptures said, and I quote, "From a pure heart proceeds the fruit of a good life."-1Tim.1.5. It gave me the strenght and courage to continue living, caring and forgiving. We live and breath each day. We feel sufferings and pains. Again nobody is excused or exempted from that reality.Reflect. Question. Life is uncertain ? Seek and you will find . Ask and you will receive.  

I am inviting my readers and fellow bloggers to email me at
visit my other blog at

              A wonderful and amazing grace......

     A Pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Quincy, Massachusetts, gave a beautiful sermon about "calling" from God. He shared his calling as a priest and encouraged the parishioners to follow their calling to serve  God and others.In this difficult economic times, many people prioritize economic survival. I recalled in one of the New Testament Gospel in which Jesus of Nazareth said, " The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Jesus was referring to the promises of his disciples, to stand guard while he prays, prior to Jesus arrests, trials, and crucifixion; that fateful night struck me, reminded me of my own frailties and shortcomings.
      The St. Joseph's Pastor sermon inspired me, to think about the broken promise I made to Jesus, to stand guard, short of following my promise calling, of serving others without reservations. How many of us experienced, the vacuum and emptiness, because of broken promises ?
        Churches vs. Sports Stadiums ?
        In this difficult times , you will still find a lot of people, attending a baseball or football game, compared to those  at a church service. A lot of churches will go financially broke, but the games will go on. 
        Faith is something you donot see, while a football or baseball game, you can witness, your favorite player playing.

         As a Nation of Believers, we can start evangelizing football or baseball stars. They are good for God's business.

          Two things in America you don't question or criticize, Sports and Political Parties, you can lose a potential advertiser(s) or patron(s). Tradition...tradition....and tradition.

           Some believed and practiced it, some believed and keep it for a day, while others believed that, the two believers were "nuts", hypocrites and bigots.    

           What do you think ?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracle,Heroes and You.

        In crisis situation a hero is born, a real "you" comes out, especially in the face of death. The airline accident in New York City reminded us that life is filled with uncertainties. Some called the survival of those passengers and crews, a miracle, to others because of the heroics of the pilots. 
      We saved people all the time."I am doing my job.", I frequently hear that from firefighters,police officers, soldiers, doctors, and many others.
        I wonder though, how many people suffers from poverty and deprivation today, in our "humane" world ?
We need miracles, heroes and "You" to save them !

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please visit my other blogs, write to me. You are important!!!!

           I encouraged you to write and share your thoughts about today. You donot need to disclose your name. I remember last October, 2008, while I was "dining" at one of the fast food restaurants in Hanover; A complete stranger started conversing and  encouraging me to go out and vote; It started our thirty minutes or more of   sharing stories. The stranger told me that he was afraid to campaign openly for Obama. I asked him why ?
He said and I quote, " I have a daughter and family." I retorted, " So do I !" Our conversation enlightened me.
           I felt nervous opening my mouth especially writing ( I have pen names ); I was an activist for many years and I personally experienced threats and harassments. I felt nervousness but not fear. I am nervous because sometimes, the repercussions is not directed towards you, but to people close to you. I learned to develop positive thoughts and words. I am blunt. But, through the years I "mellowed" down, trimming and toning words, I employed in my activism. These current economic crisis encouraged me to write and open my mouth again. I am half a century wiser. If someone,will hurt me or my family, I thought....... I wrote down a list of my possible "detractors/destroyers", not many- The truth shall set us free, more than that....the truth will equip you with sound zzzzzzzzzzzz and peace.
Visit my blog news at

Organizations and the People behind.

                We make it happened. Projects and organized "help" are realized through your efforts. We donot need medals or a Nobel recognitions. We, as members of the human race have the moral obligation to help.              
              Heroes are not born.They are the product and end results of their era and circumstances. How many of our fellow humans received the Nobel and the Medal of Valor ? Hundreds, thousands ? Perhaps, too many to remember.We can still count them though. 

             We are just beginning with our civilization inhabited by humans. Are we really human and humane at this time ? Why is it more people suffers from poverty and deprivation globally ? Why war happens ? Why do we need evil in order to be moral ? These are philosophical questions posited by Western thinkers and philosophers. What about the Eastern thoughts and philosophies of the Eastern world ? Do you know that some of the Western thoughts originated from the Eastern world ? Like the golden rule by Confucius of China. Do to others, what you like , others do to you.

           Today, I would like to honor the memory of Cindy of the Quincy Red Cross. I was one of her volunteers.Cindy was a great person.She was very warm and humane.Cindy is one of the really special people  behind successful organizations. We missed you.We will always remember you in our hearts.             

The author of this blog is an active volunteer of the Red Cross since 1983.
The Red Cross is a great organization.

             I wished to thank the really special people behind the Red Cross of Quincy. Thank you for serving.

The Publisher/Editor of this blog.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Open Invitations to my readers,fellow bloggers and friends.

   I always wanted to write about the everyday heroes of our lives. Our parents, our trash collectors, our firemen/women, our teachers, our pastor or priest, "our shrink". But I friend, readers and fellow bloggers. Email me with your story.Your life story.Your aspirations,your dreams and many others you wish to share and discuss.

My email:  ...........I am waiting.


What matters most to us.

  • The Lists can be long enough for us to write a book about Us. We ponder on things that matters.Honesty and virtues.Ideals.Our father and mother.Our vocations and professions.
  • Friendship.Our neighbors.Our Fellowmen/women. Our world. Our children. Our brothers.Our sisters. Our in-laws.
  • The poor.The rich.What matters most: money or happiness. What is Happiness?
  • The Sunrise and Sunsets of our lives. Escape. Freedom.Fears.
  • Abraham Maslow.BF Skinner. Mark Twain. Emerson.Mozart.The Classics.Jesus Christ.Mohammed.Allah.The Dalai Lama.Confucius.The Native Americans.The Incas.The Aztecs.The Mayans.The Forgotten.The Medal of Valor.Heroism.Betrayal.
  • The Greeks.The Irish.The Italians.The Africans.The Chinese.The other Asians.
  • Democracy.Dictatorship.War.Peace.The History. The Bible.The English.The Romans.The Jews. The Palestine.The Freemasons.Knights of Columbus.The Klan. The Skull.Secret Societies.The Elites.The Insecurities of life.Dealing with crisis.The challenge.
  • Death. Birth. The Wedding.The Funeral. Many others we can think of. Maybe a lifetime.
  • Old on and so forth......etc. many infinitum.
  • For me what really matters is "Us".
  •  What do you think ?
      Rodolfo Panizales.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Apologies not my excuse: Dear fellow bloggers/readers

          I am not yet an accomplished writer nor a Pulitzer Prize material. I intend to succeed because of you.People can attain greatness in whatever they do if good people supports, encourage and donate a little of their hard earned money and resources.My ambition is not limited to my selfish motives or intentions.
I simply wanted to have a simple life so that others can simply live and thrive.
No man is an island.We are the product of our humanity and solidarity.
We are special people because we care for others beside our family.
What happens to your neighbor will affect you, one way or the other...for better or worse.

Is it tragic or a blessing....??? Part I

I never understood the field of Special Needs service till 1997. I started working with a child challenged by autism in Montgomery County, Maryland.I was a neophyte. I never experience the ABA approach or the Applied Behavioral Analysis popularized by UCLA's Dr. I. Lovaas (80's). A group of ABA certified consultants trained me and the child taught me about his "Autism". ABA in plain and simple terms is "reinforcement theory" from Pavlov,Skinner and many others who posits that our mental challenges can be environmentally triggered and reinforced in a positive or negative way.
I am not a psychologist though I studied psychology. I directly worked with the Special Needs people from 1997 till the present.This blog is not mainly about the 'special needs people', it is about the workers like me and many others who labored because we care and love the people we labeled "special". Special indeed because I never met anyone (not even me) really authentic soul/spirit till 1997 - "you get what you see" meaning if they like you, they really meant that without pretentions and deceit (a few exceptions in severe cases based on my experiences.Approximately a hundred or more of them I directly worked with (span 1997-Present), only 2-3 were "good for nothing", I even thought and theorized that they were products of their upbringing and environment.I hope you will learn from my experience.I hope you will enjoy reading my frustrations and glory.