According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (see:, suicide is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. among teens and young adults and individuals age 65 and older (16%).
4th in the U.S.A among adults 18-65. I spoke with a lot of people who have experienced difficult challenges in life and they have expressed one common answers to my only question, what happened ? Their answers, " I lost faith and trust with people and my church." and I quote.
No one is perfect and infallible. Everyone made mistakes. Some recovered and forgave (themselves and others), some lived with it all their lives.
One of my favorite readings is about what Apostle Timothy of the Holy Scriptures said, and I quote, "From a pure heart proceeds the fruit of a good life."-1Tim.1.5. It gave me the strenght and courage to continue living, caring and forgiving. We live and breath each day. We feel sufferings and pains. Again nobody is excused or exempted from that reality.Reflect. Question. Life is uncertain ? Seek and you will find . Ask and you will receive.
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A wonderful and amazing grace......
A Pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Quincy, Massachusetts, gave a beautiful sermon about "calling" from God. He shared his calling as a priest and encouraged the parishioners to follow their calling to serve God and others.In this difficult economic times, many people prioritize economic survival. I recalled in one of the New Testament Gospel in which Jesus of Nazareth said, " The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Jesus was referring to the promises of his disciples, to stand guard while he prays, prior to Jesus arrests, trials, and crucifixion; that fateful night struck me, reminded me of my own frailties and shortcomings.
The St. Joseph's Pastor sermon inspired me, to think about the broken promise I made to Jesus, to stand guard, short of following my promise calling, of serving others without reservations. How many of us experienced, the vacuum and emptiness, because of broken promises ?
Churches vs. Sports Stadiums ?
In this difficult times , you will still find a lot of people, attending a baseball or football game, compared to those at a church service. A lot of churches will go financially broke, but the games will go on.
Faith is something you donot see, while a football or baseball game, you can witness, your favorite player playing.
As a Nation of Believers, we can start evangelizing football or baseball stars. They are good for God's business.
Two things in America you don't question or criticize, Sports and Political Parties, you can lose a potential advertiser(s) or patron(s). Tradition...tradition....and tradition.
Some believed and practiced it, some believed and keep it for a day, while others believed that, the two believers were "nuts", hypocrites and bigots.
What do you think ?
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