- She is a winner. Ms. Joan Price. In fact, she is my Boston Marathon favorite this year, 2014. She is really a special person.She taught us that the journey matters, whether you are young or not so young anymore ? As the saying goes, only horses grow in years, not us.We walk, we run, the journey is the most rewarding not the destination.I do not mind finishing last. The journey matters. I finished last, I failed a few times, I stumbled, I mumbled, and I never gave up when some gave up on me. Remember our race with Continental Air in 1995 ? I was the last runner to reach the finish line. I felt like a winner...Remember our climb to Mt. Washington ? Remember our 86 miles trek from Samos, Spain to Santiago Campostela ? The journey taught me a lot.
You make decisions. Its yours. Not others to make on your journey. Know what is in your heart not mind.
- Paradigm.
Yours. Your perception of reality.
Check if there is the possibility of shifting to help others.
Many does not realize that what happens to many people will impact each one of us, directly or indirectly. The material poverty of so many people. They are not lazy. They are not dull or dumb.
Being able to travel (traveled and lived in many parts of the world taught me that all of us, are the same; Breathing the same air except the polluted air of some cities.
May the Supreme Power in Heaven guide you in your journey.
You only fail when you give up. - Looking at the problem with a ready, well-thought solution
Tonight, one of my fraternal organizations honored Dr. King a Massachusetts General Hospital surgeon, with a service award.
Dr. King is a marathon runner, participated in the Boston Marathon last 2013, and after his marathon run that fateful day in 2013, operated patients for 30 hours at the MGH - where many victims from the Boston 2013 marathon bombing were taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries.
There are so many unsung heroes in the world. You are maybe one of them - When you see children dying of poverty related causes, and people dying from hunger...what do we do ?
Some donates. Are you sure the money you donate is given 100% of its value to the poor ? Are you sure your money does not create more poverty among many people ? You have been donating for many years, and why is it poverty is increasing instead of decreasing ?
We can change things.
1. Empower p... See More
Rodolfo, where do you work?
55% complete- Lives in Boston, Massachusetts
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