Friday, June 26, 2009

Change ?

              Palliative or transformative ? Reform or overhauling ? Self or others first ?Do you wonder why a lot of things never changes ? Like issues of poverty ? Do you wonder why despite of so called "developments" many people in the world suffers from deprivation, hunger, homelessness, without health insurance or no adequate insurances multitudes of quagmire issues and matters that will determine the future of the humankind.Did you know many people in Haiti ate mudcakes to fend off hunger ?
Did you know the Iceland economy collapsed ? Did you know the people in Iceland resolved their religious differences through a democratic process without killing each other ? You wonder why the issues between Jews and Palestines resulted to violence and sufferings to both sides ? Do you wonder why people in America seem prosperous but actually buried in debts ? Big houses and nice cars ? For shows or for real ? 
Changes, cosmetically induced ? You wonder what is the difference between today and the dinosaur age ? Extinctions of the human kind ? Neo-barbarians ? Sociopath without conscience ? Change...what does it meant to you ?

   (The author of this article provides human development trainings as well as team building for authentic at dynamic.trainings2008

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father and Father's Day

              To all the dad's of the world ...Happy father's day. Being a father is a sense of fulfillment as well as responsibility.It is hard to express the emotion of being a father.
In many paternalistic societies, a father symbolizes leadership and power.He controls if not dominates. But being father is beyond control and responsibilities.Being a father means a part of a life that is beginning to unfold and attain its potentials and meanings.
It reaches beyond affection and care.It is love manifested by the sacrifices a father has to make to give their children a better life and future.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Truth and Data Gathering

          It is alright to be "skeptical". In ancient times the Greek sophist went around not only  teaching academics but teaching people (to distort the truth)  "how to lie".
Shockingly true.What is the difference between us and them ? Advanced technology and "Nobel Prize" Many pessimism were based not only in history and statistics but grounded in data gathered by people who believes that the truth will set you free.A century ago it was said, " One person with a belief is equal to the force of ninety nine people with selfish intentions.Do you believe in what you read from books and newspapers ? Research and compare ideas and reports.You might discover that most of them are fabricated vested and selfish interest.Have you wondered why the poor is growing in numbers despite of advanced technologies and the "Nobel Prize"....unfortunately we still have ancient "geek sophist" in our midst.Think about that.   

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There are a few "elites and rich" they just maximized their tiny brains.

      The adage says, " No one will succeed as a dictator or a tyrant , unless people allows it to happen. According to history and statistics the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler had eight million members - there were seventy million Germans during Hitler's time. Only 11% of the Germans were ideologically convinced with Hitler. In the Stalin era six million Russians were members of the Communist Party of Russia.There were 170 million Russians during Stalin dictatorships or only 4% of the Russian people agreed ideologically with Stalin ( Many of the party members that opposed or appeared to be a threat to Stalin were either killed or sent to the Gulag.Millions of people were slaughtered by both dictators.Many were really special people because they dared to say and act against the dictators and tyranny.   
   Today there is no guarantee that tyranny will not succeed, considering the difficulties and crisis every person on earth are enduring from the decaying environment, decadent morality to extreme poverty.
What can we do about it ? Start asking yourselves what can I do to help. Search your heart. According to reports 90% of Americans believed that God exists. Believing is alright...but doing something to manifest your faith and belief is another decision to make - lip service is not enough - Do something "Good".
Attending service either on Saturdays or Sundays is not enough.There are seven days a week. Yes, a day will make a difference but the whole week will make the greater difference.Going to church is not enough, practice your faith regardless of your religion.Most if not all religions today believe in doing "Good to others". "Proselytising or converting people to your faith will not gurantee anything except you have increased your revenues (?) or membership.

   A word of caution and advise (?) : There are a lot of good people.They are good indeed.But really special people practice what they preached.Some thoughts to ponder upon: "g"ood is different from "G"ood.


Monday, June 8, 2009

A child's Million many parts.

Messages from beyond material and not just Physics


                                                      A lot of very smart people on earth.............

                 Academic elites with multiple PhD's and sometime labeled "great if not over achievers" are numerous. Do we have anyone whose faith is as big as a mustard seed ? Not even me.What about you ?


Friday, June 5, 2009

Simply .......G O D

G O D and Simplicity

Is that your house ? Wow it is BIG ! Is that your car ? Wow it that a "Gallardo-turbo" ?

A bumper sticker simply so that others may live. It is not easy. In our "first world"

big...expensive...."fat checking account" is = success. Simplicity is mediocre,trivial,not ambitious,

loser...etc....Wow ! JC was born in a manger.His dad was a carpenter and a homemaker mom.

JC did not attend exclusive or ivvy league school. JC is simply JC. Hard to follow. JC was articulate

but not world savvy. His philosophy is straightforward but deep...simple but inspiring and SPIRIT-

filled. JC is action not lip service...He walked the walk and talked the talk in a divine way.

JC just wanted us to live simply so that others can simply live.

For those who have ears may hear......

Thursday, June 4, 2009

You're worst enemy.....You

                                             School of Hardknocks and Tumblinggoof

             If you gave up loss.If you stick out your neck too may become stiff that you might need PT workouts...that's an "expense". A person who admits he/she experienced losing and giving up....really lost it.Did you know...I know you know...that I do not are the only one who knows and knew.....gave up and that's it...but if you hold on, not hang on .....You won.Won ? What ? Aristotle's "fooly" ? The end of merits is That's it ? Shallow ? Not even there.Life is too short and fkle.Solomon is chasing after the wind....... no, today you are chasing Category 10 Tornado/Hurricane.Just like many others...prozac..valium..."meth" sleep...a few hours..? Not even.
Remember Elvis, the Joker and many famous fooly who died of talent overdose and "popularity syndrome"
They all became famous but do you know where they are now ? Fungus and all bacteriumm etc. "digested them". Solomon warned us, the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. School of Hardknocks was founded by someone who was crucified for saying, "I am the way, the Truth and Life." He never liked status qou and advocated liberation of the poor in spirit. 
Are you free ? Donot worry about the economy what goes up...goes down. We have been up there for almost 300 years...the Romans almost 600 years...the Greeks almost  1K...then they became "quite still".
No doubt the next fooly will be from Asia again....for those who have the Kapital...Kontrols...donot worry they will go down just like the rest of the "imperial fools". Life is too short too woooory. Think about God.
Fear is the beginning of wisdom not sophism...the Greeks did it and the Romans ...they all failed !!!!!
G O D is good. G O D is Love.G O D is Peace. G O D is Happiness. G O D is everything. G O D is Alive !!! 


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good People and really special: Extreme and balance


          Have you wonder why things so difficult and challenging to live on planet earth  ? Extremes.
Weather,partisan politics,religious movement,nations and many others.What is the secret of happiness and peace ? God and simplicity.


          The Freemasons have been misunderstood for centuries as a secret society and they are aiming for world dominations.None of the above is accurate.It so happened that Freemasonry have "trade secrets" just like any other organizations and many Freemasons are "leaders in their respective field" does not make them "conquerors".Freemasonry started in Europe centuries ago.The early Lodges are in Scotland,England and Massachusetts ,USA .A few million members covers almost the world.The Freemasons are not religious zealots and Masonry is not a religion.Freemasonry is not competing with organized religion.Freemasonry 
welcomes everyone who believes in the Supreme Being (God).Regardless of one's religious belief or affiliation,Freemasonry welcomes You.Freemasons are really special people because they remain anonymous if ever they lend a helping hand.Did you know that the Shriner Hospitals (22) was founded by Freemasons, are  supported by Freemasons and non-freemasons (donors and healthworkers etc.) ? 
There are 20 Shriners Hospitals for children in the U.S., and one each in Canada and Mexico. All care and services at Shriners Hospitals are provided at no charge regardless of financial need or relationship to a Shriner.Famous Shriners (Freemasons): Buzz Aldrin (Astronaut), Arnold Palmer (Golfer), Sam Hornish, Jr., (Race Car Driver), Gerard Ford (President), John Wayne and Richard Tyson (Actors), Brad Paisley (Country Singer), John Diefenbaker (Prime Minister of Canada)

         Unconditionl friendship is one of the Freemasons ideals.Freemasons are people from all walks of life.
Freemasons have members coming from almost every strata of our society.If you want to know more about them, you can visit their websites or go visit their "Lodges".

          Who are the notable and popular Freemasons ? Benjamin Franklin, President(s)
 Gerard Ford, Harry Truman,George Washington, James Monroes, Andrew Jackson, James Polk,James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt,
William Taft, Warren Harding,Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson ,Salvador Allende (Chile President), Manuel L.Quezon (Philippine President), Winston Churchill (England),Nat King Cole (Black American singer and pianist Jean Henry Dunant (A Swiss and Founder of the Red Cross), Henry Ford (Carmaker- Ford  Founder),Cecil DeMille (Film Producer),Voltaire, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Ernest Shackleton (Antacrtic Explorer), John Wayne (Actor), Sugar Ray Johnson (boxer), Booker Washington,
General Douglas MacArthur (Initiated in the Philippines) Philippines National Heroes like Andres Bonifacio, Jose Rizal, Antonio Luna, Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Aguinaldo, Thomas Confesor, Jose Abad Santos ( Philippine First Supreme Court Justice ), Simon Bolivar (Venezuela, known as the George Washington of  South America). Jack Warner of Warner Bros. Film and Walt Disney founder of Disney World, Louis Armstrong (Black American jazz musician), Mustapha Kemal Ataturk (President of Turkey), Stephen Austin (Father of Texas), John Jacob Astor (Financier), The Mayo brothers of Mayo Clinic, Mozart,Eduard Benes (1935 President of Czechoslovakia), Ernest Borgnine (Actor), William Chrysler(Automaker),Cody, WilliamF. "Buffalo Bill",Clark Gable (Actor), Gillette,King 
(Manufacturer), John Glenn (US Senator), Robert Dole (US Senator), King George VI of England     thousands of Freemasons, famous in North America, South America,Europe, Asia and Africa. 
A true Freemasons will not refuse to help anyone in need.Character is essential in Freemasonry.What profits a man if he gains the world but lost his character ? Freemasonry put their trust in God and the goodness of people.The Freemasons are truly one of the really special people you will meet.

A few number of organizations do "good works" and preferred to be anonymous, and one of the few are the Freemasons.You never know, he is your neighbor.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Trust is complex and scary.Most people are afraid to trust because of bad experiences.
God promised.....Trust God and He will show you the Way....He will make you feel alright.
A lot of false messengers roams , ready to deceive and devour the innocent; Jesus warned us about it. "Be shrewd as a snake, and be gentle as a lamb.Nobody can deceive anyone....because if your faith is as big as a mustard seed you will command mountains to move. Last night I had a scary dream; In my dream I was a terrible feeling.I analyzed and interpreted my own dream own fears that is is not even physical death I am afraid of.............
I was afraid to give my complete trust to God.

Training and other Dynamics

          To my anonymous readers: If you know a small organization (non-government) I will be honored to assists them developing the dynamics of their leaders and core members.It is free.I spent my career training people.I was paid.This time I am doing it for free.
          My only condition: No partisanship.I believe in the universal goodness of humans.I have reasons and experiences to support this idea, most people are good whether they are white,black,yellow,brown and colorless.I realized not so long ago......I am color blind.

Please visit my other blogs, write to me. You are important!!!!